Mental health tools:
- The Comprehensive list of 333 Core Values | A YouTube video intro on this
- The Drama Triangle and Empowerment Dynamics | YouTube videos on these topics here
- A Master List of Logical Fallacies
- The definition of meditation and mindfulness (takes you to another site)
- The Emotions Spiral (takes you to another site)
- The Interpersonal Closeness Relationship Circle
- The Success Guidance Page (Accomplish your goals. Tools for motivation, bypassing motivation, bypassing procrastination, better time management, ending self-sabotage and negative habits)
- Behavioral Activation – A guide and workbook
- Guided imagery audio – By Belleruth Naparstek
- DBT Tools
- Brain Gym (takes you to another site)
- Forgiveness: ** Forgiveness is the key to your freedom
- The Futility of “I could have done better” or “I’m not good enough”
- Compassion
- Kindness
- Quotes and memes from Ethan that you can share
Hypnosis articles:
- Psychological kinesiology PSYCH-K articles on Wise Mindbody Healing .com (offered online world-wide)
- YouTube videos on PSYCH-K
Other mental health articles and resources from Wise Mindbody Healing:
- An article I wrote back in 2016 about muscle testing and applied kinesiology
- How to write powerful positive affirmations (prayers)
- Breathing to increase blood oxygenation article
- Self care articles
- Insomnia articles
- Nervous system & neurotransmitters articles
- Energy psychology articles
- Energy healing articles
- TCM articles
- All mental health topics
For men:
- The top 10 medications most likely to cause ED (external article)
- The multi orgasmic man book & multi orgasmic couple book (Taoist energy approach)
Hearing voices, psychosis, and schizophrenia resources:
Nutrition articles from Wise Mindbody Healing:
- All nutrition articles
- The products and online dispensary page
- A general longevity and anti-aging protocole
- Orthomolecular articles
- Diet guidelines
- Supplement conversions database from
- Stop the thyroid madness, website
- Neurotransmitter Strengthening Protocol, article
- Immune boosting
- Lower inflammation
- Gluten and celiac
- Cancer
- Depression
Solutions for prediabetes and diabetes
Mental health assessments:
- Visionary vs. Integrator
- O*Net Interest Profiler online assessment
- Find out your love language
- Free assessment measures to accompany the DSM V from
- DSM-5 self-rated level 1 cross-cutting symptom measure: Adults – Kids
- GAD-7
- PHQ-9
- WHODAS 12 items
- CAGE Substance Screening Tool
- Mini Mental State Exam (MMSE)
- The columbia scale suicide severity rating scale (c-ssrs)
- The Columbia Suicide Risk Assessment C-SSRS Lifeline Version 2014.pdf and here
Death preparation & awakening:
- MN Advanced directive (external article)
- AZ Advanced directive (external article)
- NDE & OBE related – contact me
- Mental and psychological preparation for dying
- Loss & bereavement – contact me
- Awakening – Visit my Consciousness Advancement website (here)
Group events
- Meetup group events: Sierra Vista & Southeast Arizona Mindfulness Group (Sanctum Now) (closed)
- Meditation sessions at Yoga Plus in Sierra Vista (discontinued)
Ethan’s official websites
Other websites and projects by Ethan
- Society for Grateful Living (on Facebook)
- Holistic Minnesota – Holistic health & holistic living resources (Facebook)
- Holistic Cochise County – Holistic health & living resources (Facebook)
- Ethan’s Wellevate Online Dispensary (Create an Account to get 15% off)
- Rent a Cranial Electrical Stimulation (CES) Device
- Order health/medical lab tests
- Wise Mindbody Therapy . com (closed)
- Seeking Wholeness . com (closed)
- I can breathe . com (closed)
- Online Therapy and Coaching .com & Put an End to Pain .com (under construction)
Suicide prevention and emergency / crisis support: